based in Hamburg and Dortmund / GER 

DE  +49 163 164 5656

Aliona Kardash (1990) is a documentary photographer from Siberia, based in Hamburg, Germany. She is a member of DOCKS collective and is represented by LAIF Agency.


Aliona holds a BA in Journalism from the Tomsk State University in Russia. In 2017 she studied photography in the International Class of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover, since 2019 she is a MA student of the FH Dortmund. A recipient of the STERN Stipendium 2022, she worked for a year as a photojournalist for Stern Magazine.


In her photographical practice she often refers to her own background in search of universal patterns in very personal stories. She deals with cultural and national identity, people’s connection to their past and common grounds.




Clients (selection):


The New York Times, The Washington Post, TIME, GEO, Stern, Capital, Der Spiegel, Spiegel Geschichte, Die Zeit, Zeit Magazin, Zeit Wissen, taz. Die Tageszeitung, Meduza, Emscher Genossenschaft

Awards and Mentions (selected):



• Stern-Preis - Shortlist

• Otto Steinert-Preis - 1st Prize

• New York Portfolio Review - Participant



 PhMuseum 2023 Women Photographers Grant - Shortlist

 Nikon Fotobus Grant - 2nd Prize

• W. Eugene Smith Student Grant - Honorable Mention

• Hamburg Portfolio Review - Participant

• Stern-Preis - Shortlist (DOCKS)

 Felix Schoeller Award - Finalist (DOCKS)



• STERN Stipendium 2022 - Recipient 

 Leica Oskar Barnack Award - Finalist (DOCKS)
 Otto-Steinert-Preis - 3rd Prize (DOCKS)
 Rückblende Preis für politische Fotografie - Winner (DOCKS)



• VG Bild-Kunst Project Grant - Recipient

• Hamburg Portfolio Review - Participant



"30 Jahre Mauerfall" - Nikon workshop with Bénédicte Kurzen and Daniel Biskup - Selected

• Canon Content Creation Program - Selected 

Talks and lectures:



• JIVE Labs, Berlin - Artist talk



• Hamburg Week of Press Freedom - Artist talk, invited by LAIF Foundation

HfK Bremen - Artist talk



 LAIF Genossenschaft, Annual Member’s Meeting - Artist talk

• Fotodoks Festival, München - artist talk (DOCKS)

• Photopia, Hamburg - Artist talk

 University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover - Artist talk

 Hochschule Darmstadt - Artist talk and workshop



• Wiesbadener Fototage - Artist talk, (DOCKS)

FOAM Workshop on Collaborations & Collectives - Invited expert (DOCKS)



Hamburg Portfolio Review - Artist talk



Tomsk State University, Faculty of Journalism - Teacher of photojournalism

"Selkup. Save as" - Workshop and multimedia project - Curator and picture editor

Inner Estonia - Workshop and multimedia project - Curator and picture editor 


Exhibitions (selected):



• ”A Year along the Banks”, MRO Foundation Arles, France (DOCKS)
• ”A Year along the Banks”, FOTODOKS Munich, Germany (DOCKS)
• ”A Year along the Banks”, Bucharest Photofest, Romania (DOCKS)
• ”A Year along the Banks”, GAF Gallery for Photography, Hanover, Germany (DOCKS)

"Zuhause riecht es nach Rauch", F2 Fotofestival Dortmund, Germany



• "Bewegte Körper", Michael Horbach Stiftung Cologne, Germany

• "Ruhrgebiet:Notizen", outdoor exhibition in Hamm, Oberhausen, Hagen and Gelsenkirchen, Germany



«Seeking.Moving.Belonging», virtual exhibition. Participant and curator



• «Re:view. Screening», Voies Off Arles, France. Participant and curator

• «30 Jahre Mauerfall», Ostkreuzschule Berlin, Germany

• «UNHIDE», Manara Amman, Jordan 

• «Incondition», Superraum Dortmund, Germany. Curator



• «Crossroads», Platzprojekt Hannover, Germany. Participant and curator